We encourage units to submit your reservations early so you can secure your preferred week and campsite. Our 2025 summer camp schedule is:
- Week1: June 1-7
- Week 2: June 8-14
- Week 3: June 15-21
- Week 4: June 22-28
2025 Summer Camp Leader’s Guide
2025 Merit Badge Guide – by program area
2025 Merit Badge Schedule – by hour
Troop Roster for Maumee Scout Reservation (Excel Doc)
Driving Directions to Maumee Scout Reservation
We had a fantastic summer this year and will continue to bring in new programming to keep things ‘fresh’ while still delivering the best customer service and Scout experience possible. Our comments from our reviews this year show that we continue to deliver the Scouting promise to all that visit Maumee.
2025 Pricing:
- We do not charge an extra fee for Out of Council units
- Early Bird Registration (Registered before April 30, 2025) Adults $195, Youth $395, Second Week Youth $197.50
- Regular Rates (registered after April 30, 2025) Adults$215, Youth $415, Second Week Youth $197.50
Work on the 2025 Merit Badge schedule is underway and will be available late Fall. We are evaluating which classes to continue from last summer and will introduce a few more ‘new’ merit badges to keep things ‘fresh’ for returning Scouts. We will continue to deliver our premier programs – Eagle Quest, Mountain Man, Aquatics- while continuing to build our older youth programming. Eagle Landing will include Cowboy Action Shooting in 2025!
With the help of your continued feedback, we are updating our Leaders Guide and plan to offer some training sessions to better understand the registration process and tools available through Black Pug, the online registration system. This will hopefully improve your registration experience and highlight options you may not be aware of, such as the Parent Portal and Blue Card printing (prior to camp). Stay tuned for details as we are in the process of scheduling these events.
*Special Note*
Hoosier Trails Council currently has approximately 400 Arrow of Light (5th Grade) Scouts registered in the program. These AOL Scouts are the lifeblood and future of your units AND of our summer camp. We strongly encourage you to reach out to your surrounding Cub Packs to make sure each of these Scouts has the opportunity to join a Scouts BSA unit and experience all Scouting has to offer. We received feedback from the AOL parents that attended Webelo Camp that they didn’t know ‘what was next’ or ‘how to proceed’ with the troops. Let’s help them out! If you have questions regarding where these AOL Scouts may be in your area, please reach out to us.
Lastly, we want to impress upon you the importance of units participating in the annual popcorn sales. The proceeds for this event can help pay a Scouts way through numerous events such as summer camp and also provides the necessary funding for camp/program improvements here at camp. Please encourage your Scouts to partake in this event so we can continue to make Maumee Scout Reservation the premier destination for our Scouts!
We look forward to seeing you and your Scouts at Summer Camp in 2025!
The sun is rising on another beautiful fall day here at Maumee Scout Reservation and it brings with it the echoing memory of summers filled with Scouts having fun, learning new skills while developing leadership skills and growing into confident young adults. The sunrise brings along a call out to all Troop Leaders:
Now that the leaves have fallen, most units have had their elections and are working on their calendars and planning their adventures. It’s time to lock in your Troop’s adventure at Maumee to make sure your Troop is included in the upcoming summer’s camp adventure.
Summer Camp at Maumee Scout Reservation offers a warm and personable experience where each Scout feels seen and valued. We strive to create opportunities to truly learn and explore lifelong passions, life skills, citizenship, leadership, skilled trades and even a life path in our hands-on merit badge program. True knowledge and building of skills is the goal – MSR is no Merit Badge Factory!
Your younger Scouts can enjoy advancing with our wildly popular Eagle Quest area to get the younger Scouts on their way to advancement and also enjoy a wide variety of Merit Badge Classes in the areas of Aquatics, Ecology, Handicraft, Scoutcraft, Health and Safety, STEM and Skilled Trades!
Scouts can also enjoy working in our Mountaineer Challenge area, this is our multi-year program for Scouts that are First Class and above to test what they have learned in a challenging program that will be offered daily throughout the entire week. Campers will start their journey as a Ridge Runner and move up through the ranks of Voyageur and Mountaineer. They will move up to the next rank each year that they are at camp until they come to the final level, the Hiveranno challenge. This is also open to adults as well!
Lastly, let’s not forget about our daily special programs where the entire camp can come together for fun and often challenging adventures including our Fort Erie experience, Beach Party, Field Games, OA Callout and Family Night, Sunrise Mile Swim and more. Adults have plenty of opportunities as well for fun, education, adventure or to take a well-deserved rest.
We want to see you at MSR this summer, your home for Scouting Adventures!