Major Gifts Initiative

Endowment & Legacy Gifts

The Hoosier Trails Council has set up an endowment which continually supports the Scouting activities on an annual basis. This endowment is a critical part of our financial support, and as the market fluctuates, so too does this source of funding.

Learn more about supporting Scouting through an Endowment Gift.

James E. West Award

Are you looking for a meaningful way to recognize a fellow Scout? The James E. West Award is one of the most honored and sought after awards, recognizing a Scout for their service and accomplishments.

Named after the first Chief Scout Executive of Scouting America, it is a national recognition for those who contribute $1,000 or more in cash or securities to the Hoosier Trails Council endowment fund. This money is kept in an interest-bearing account. The interest from this account is used in our yearly budget to support local Scouts.

In this way, your Eagle Scout is contributing back to this program, and supporting youth years after they have moved on. Because of this support, they can be assured the program will be there to support them.

To receive a James E. West Award – please pick up an official application at the Council Office, or contact us to have one sent to you.

Memorial & Tribute Gifts

You may honor someone who has positively affected your life or the lives of those around you. There are several memorial and honorary opportunities available. A gift to our memorial or tribute fund is a gift to our endowment.  Click here for more information.

Major Gifts Initiative

The Hoosier Trails Council has launched a Major Gifts Initiative with emphasis on securing our fiscal future. Our goal is to raise $7.7 million via tax-deductible contributions to support these projects in order to improve our facilities. It is important to note that the funds raised through this effort will only be used for capital projects and their endowment, not for operations of the council.

The long-term success generated from this investment in the Hoosier Trails Council will:

Better serve our area youth that benefit from the year-round adventures at our camp

Make the usage of properties more attractive to Scout groups from other  councils, thus generating more revenue that can be used to continually strengthen programming.

Provide quality facilities that make our camping operations more competitive to non-Scouting groups for rental opportunities thus diversifying our revenue generation.

Create an Endowment that will maintain the investment in perpetuity and free assets that are currently being invested annually from the operations budget to further the Scouting movement.

Gifts to the Hoosier Trails Council are philanthropic investments in both our area youth and our local communities. Today, the Hoosier Trails Council serves more than 6,000 youth throughout south-central Indiana. To learn more, or take a VIP property tour, contact

Planned Giving

You may choose to list the Hoosier Trails Council as a beneficiary in your will or trust, and the legacy you leave behind will affect the lives of youth for many years.  

Here is more information on the various approaches to making a Planned Gift to the Hoosier Trails Council.

Lance Like is a local attorney at law, and a friend to Scouting. Lance has agreed to work with Scouters to develop a simple Will. Reach out to Lance to make sure that your intentions are met in the future.

Please reach out to the Scout Executive to learn more about Planned Giving.

View the video below to learn of the benefits from gifting through traditional IRAs.

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